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- 8 (Зарегистрированно)
Course SAT Math
Course Description
Regardless of the entry level of a student into this course “Course SAT Math”, Real Science will teach the units providing enough opportunities for each student to practice problem solving in groups and individually. In addition to daily homework, the teacher will provide study guides, including time management strategies and web links for additional problems after certain period. Internal exams will be administered using problems covered during the classes. At the end of the course “Course SAT Math”, students will have the opportunity to take a full-length sample SAT as the finalizing exam for the course. Assessment results from this course may be used to evaluate a student’s quantitative skills for placement into higher-level Math courses.
Importance of the course / Why do I need SAT?
Stated by the Princeton Review, the SAT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. Decent SAT/CAT score will ensure your application to almost all international universities including Georgetown, Pennsylvania, Washington, Harvard and so on.
To join the course you have to Successfully complete A-level Mathematics Course.
Learning objectives
1. Understand keys of Algebra, Linear equations and inequalities, word problems, graphs, multiple-variable equations and inequalities.
2. Argue on Concepts of data analysis, such as unit conversions, Scatterplot, Best-Fit line, Probability, Exponential growth/decay, rates and statistical inference.
3. Usage of Foundations of Advanced Math, such as exponential expressions, isolating non-linear equations, polynomials, functional models, graphing system of inequalities, transformations and compositions.
4. Geometric topics including Circle elements coordinate geometry, Trigonometry in triangles, transversals, Volume and areas
5. Imaginary numbers.
As an alternative see ACT Math courses in Real Science. IF you are Graduate and want International Master`s Degree, visit GMAT and GRE web-pages of REAL SCIENE.
Отзывы учеников

Акции и скидки центра
Для вас и ваших друзей у нас всегда есть интересные акции, предложения и скидки. Заглядывайте сюда почаще - вас ждут интересные сюрпризы!
Найти нас очень просто!
Для вашего комфорта мы предоставляем возможность обучаться в самом центре Ташкента, удобно расположенном рядом с Вестминстерским университетом и лицеем.
Содержание курса
Content 0/0
Мистер Шахзод – учитель по подготовке к международным экзаменам по математике, педагог по призванию с настоящим талантом находить общий язык со своими учениками. Самое главное, чему учит преподаватель на занятиях курсов математики – не бояться сложных примеров и задач, а находить верное решение из всех возможных вариантов. Слушатели курсов математики Мистера Шахзода подготовительных курсов отмечают искреннее его участие и желание помочь каждому ученику.