Курс английского языка Intermediate

Unit 4 – Change

Lesson objectives
4.1 Personal change (38)
Talk about resolutions and plans
Talk about a life-changing book or film
4.2 Social change (42)
Make and discuss predictions
Discuss problems, reasons, and consequences
4.3 Café Hub Part time (46)
Clarify and ask for clarification
Make and deal with complaints

4.1 Future forms
4.2 Making predictions

4.1 Collocations: goals and resolutions
4.2 Prefixes: dis-,mis-,over-
4.3 Clarification making and dealing with complaints

4.1 Intonation for attitude and mood
4.2 Contraction of will linking final consonant and first vowel sounds

Reading – Listening
4.1 Listen to two friends talking about resolutions on a skype call read about the book Life Cycle
Key Skill Summarising
Listen to four people talking about books or films that changed their lives.
4.2 Read a text about super forecasters
Listen to a radio programme about the future of the countryside in Japan
Key Skill Paraphrasing
4.3 Watch a video about complaints

Speaking – Writing
4.1 make a compare resolution
Speaking Hub
Discuss how a book or fil changed on your life
4.2 discuss predictions for life in the future
Speaking Hub
Discuss solutions to predicted problems
4.3 Act out a restaurant scene
Unit Review (p48) Writing