Курс английского языка Intermediate

Unit 8 Innovation

Lesson objectives
8.1 Making a difference
Explain how an invention works
Suggest and evaluate creative ideas
8.2 Must-have gadgets
Use positive language to promote a new product
8.3 Café Hub Flat packed
Give and follow instructions

8.1 Relative clauses
8.2 Zero and first conditionals with modals

8.1 Word families
Creative thinking
8.2 Positive adjectives
8.3 Giving and following instructions

8.1 Relative clauses
8.2 ‘ll and wont
8.3 sentence stress

Reading – Listening
8.1 Read a text about a Canadian Inventor
Read a short text on thinking outside the box
Key Skill Listening for problems and solutions
8.2 Listen to a podcast about new gadgets
Read a magazine article about gadgets
Key skill Topic Sentences
8.3 Watch a video about people assembling furniture

Speaking – Writing
8.1 Talk about a person, a place and an object
Speaking Hub
8.2 Give advice to friend who wants to buy a gadget
Speaking Hub
8.3 Follow and give practical instructions

Unit Review