Курс английского языка Intermediate

Unit 2 Experiences

Lesson objectives
2.1 Important decision
Talk about past experiences and things you want to do
2.2 You can do it!
Talk about an inspirational person
Talk about solving a problem
2.3 Café Hub Picture this
Ask for, give, and refuse permission

2.1 Present Perfect simple and past simple
2.2 Present and past ability

2.1 Collocations: making big decisions
2.2 Dependant prepositions and solutions
2.3 Permission

2.1 ‘s and ‘ve
2.2 Word stress
2.3 Intonation and Stress

Reading – Listening
2.1 Read a blog about achievable bucket lists
Listen to a radio interview about a life changing decision
Key skills listening for the main idea
2.2 read a new article about an older man looking for employment
2.3 Watch a video about a photoshoot

Speaking – Writing
2.1 Write and discuss your achievable bucket list
Speaking Hub
2.2 Give a presentation about an inspirational person
Speaking Hub
Ask and answer interview questions about problem-solving skills.
2.3 Ask for and give permission for something
Unit Review (p24) Writing