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IGCSE Math course
Course Description
Is a lack of a Maths GCSE holding you back?
We know many people struggle with maths, helping you through your maths journey is our area of expertise, so our course has been specially designed so that you begin with the basics, then move gradually to more complex material when you are ready. GCSE Maths is a steppingstone to further education, a fulfilling career, and a better future. A GCSE in maths is a game changer for different jobs, university, and life in general.
Importance of the course / Why do I need IGCSE
British students typically will take their GCSE exams at the end of Year 11 when they are 16 years old. IGCSE stands for “International General Certificate of Secondary Education”. It is equivalent to the GCSE qualification which is taken by students in Year 10 – 11 in the UK to prepare them for further pre-university level study, such as A-levels, IB and Foundation coruses. The IGCSE is the ‘international’ version of this academic qualification as it’s available in many countries around the world. Both are taken by students all over the world, before they move onto their pre-university education.
There are no formal entry requirements for this GCSE Maths course, however, it is recommended that you have an intermediate ability to read and write in English.
Learning objectives
1. Develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
2. Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems
3. Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions
4. Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context
Upon successful completion of this learning course, you can pass an exam and receive a GCSE in Mathematics, issued by AQA, Pearson or related organizations. You’ll also be able to continue onto the Maths A-level.
Отзывы учеников

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Для вашего комфорта мы предоставляем возможность обучаться в самом центре Ташкента, удобно расположенном рядом с Вестминстерским университетом и лицеем.
Содержание курса
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Мистер Шахзод – учитель по подготовке к международным экзаменам по математике, педагог по призванию с настоящим талантом находить общий язык со своими учениками. Самое главное, чему учит преподаватель на занятиях курсов математики – не бояться сложных примеров и задач, а находить верное решение из всех возможных вариантов. Слушатели курсов математики Мистера Шахзода подготовительных курсов отмечают искреннее его участие и желание помочь каждому ученику.