
Выдающиеся академические результаты наших учеников

В нашем учебном центре REAL SCIENCE учащиеся имеют прекрасную возможность получить сертификаты по прохождению определенного уровня. Это даёт им дополнительную мотивацию и сил на учебу. От всей души поздравляем наших студентов с окончанием очередного уровня и со становлением на ещё один шаг ближе к своим целям! 🤩🤩🤩 Желаем Всем дальнейших успехов и отличных результатов в следующих уровнях 💪

In the learning centre REAL SCIENCE, students who have completed one level are given an opportunity to receive their certificates that show their successful completion. This gives them additional motivation and strenght to study much harder. Students have been awarded with their certificates by their own teachers accompanied with the manager and the director of the centre. Awarding ceremony has been carried out in a festive mood and atmosphere. Students have been sent to their home with their results and certificates to cheer their parents. We sincerely congratulate all of our students on their successful completion of one level and become one step closer to their goals. We wish all great success and results in your efforts to complete next levels as well.

В инновационном учебном центре REAL SCIENCE очередное прекрасное событие. Ещё один поток наших учеников закончили уровень Intermediate по английскому языку и получили свои заслуженные сертификаты. Теперь они могут продолжить своё обучение у нас и начать подготовку к международному экзамену IELTS. Хотим пожелать им сил и терпения, а также больших успехов в их начинаниях!

One more wonderful event has been held in the innovative learning centre, REAL SCIENCE. Students who have successfully completed Intermediate level in English language received their deserved certificates. Thus, they can continue their study with us and start a preparation for an international examination IELTS. We would like sincerely to congratulate on their this achievement that their sleeples nights have paid off, and to wish them strength and patience in order to achieve greater success in their later learning process.

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