Курс Intermediate

1,600,000 UZS 871,000 UZS

Course Intermediate

The lessons at course Intermediate cover topics from grammar, vocabulary, reading and listening comprehension. These lessons also have practice tests and quizzes to test your learning. Most of these lessons are integrated skills lessons. The word “integration” means the joining of different things into something new. Here it means that the lessons teach you various skills together at once (like reading, grammar, vocabulary and so on).

This is a comprehensive course for general English skills for intermediate learners. It consists of 10 units, each of which is divided into 4 lessons covering all necessary 4 skills.

What will the learners get at the end of the course Intermediate:

-They will be able to understand the main points of clear texts on familiar topics in standard language.
-They will be able to manage most situations on a trip to places where English is used.
-They will be able to produce simple, organised texts about familiar topics.
-They will be able to describe experiences, events, wishes and aspirations, and explain opinions and plans.

Отзывы учеников

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Для вас и ваших друзей у нас всегда есть интересные акции, предложения и скидки. Заглядывайте сюда почаще - вас ждут интересные сюрпризы!

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Для вашего комфорта мы предоставляем возможность обучаться в самом центре Ташкента, удобно расположенном рядом с Вестминстерским университетом и лицеем.


Shakhnoza Pirnazarova – Bachelor Degree: English Language and literature- 2018-2022, KARSU, Nukus- MA in Linguistics – 2022-2024, TSUUL, Tashkent Certificates: IELTS (8.0), 2021; Winner of KOVA Scholarship, South Korea 2021; Certificate of “Intercontinental Youth Conference”; Certificate of “Owners of future” About her: Ms Shakhnoza is a friendly, enthusiastic and respectful teacher. Her lessons are always full of funny and at the same time necessary activities that provide highly efficient acquirement of knowledge. She has an experience and qualification in teaching English to different age groups. Ms Shakhnoza possesses such features as creativity, interpersonal communication and adaptability. And she surely knows how to guide her students and motivate them

1,600,000 UZS 871,000 UZS